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The Stress-Proof Somatic Success Program

Go farther faster and feel better without the stress, stuckness, sickness, and frustration.

Navigating how to thrive professionally, financially, mentally, physically, spiritually, creatively, and relationally while also keeping track of who the heck you are and what the heck you are doing here is A LOT. The Stress Proof Success Program helps you reach your authentic goals, heal burnout, and get to living your best life 4x faster by combining somatic nervous system healing, performance coaching, and flow-state neuroscience. Plus, 100% goes to charity and is tax deductible!

The Somatic Coaching Revolution. Rainbow Tree Person. Mindset Coaching Denver. Imposter Syndrome.

Feel like a bear is chasing you every time you get an email?

You aren't alone.

​It's actually pretty easy for your system to get stuck in Fight/Flight/Freeze Mode, making you automatically perceive non-threatening things as threats. It's exhausting and limiting, causes illness and pain, and you can't think your way out of it. But you can rewire it.

Wired but tired? Always busy but don't ever get enough done? Tried traditional strategies but still distracted and procrastinating?

I see you.

You're a multidimensional human with work, health, finances, family, friends, passions, trauma, ADHD, anxiety, etc. Add all that to living in a dopamine-addicted culture, and you get a dysregulated nervous system that unconsciously seeks constant distraction & busy-ness. But you don't have to fit that mold.

Think there has to be a better way to succeed on your own terms while reclaiming your wellbeing, purpose, passions, and relationships?

You aren't alone. And you're right!

There is an actual formula for having it all, and for getting there faster and sustainably. Money and value alignment. Performance and healing. Spirituality and science. Creativity and stability. Business and relationships.

Redefine success. Rewrite your story.
Rebel against anything holding you back.

We are disrupting the average system for those of you who don't fit the mold.

The 8 Week Stress-Proof Somatic Success Program is a holistic, trauma-informed, science-backed system that combines Bottom-Up Somatic Practice & Nervous System Regulation, Top-Down Mindset & Flow-State Neuroscience, and Inside-Out Embodiment & Wellbeing to eliminate stuckness, burnout, plateaus in growth and healing, limiting beliefs, dysregulated health, procrastination and distraction, imposter syndrome, and frustration.


It is not complicated or time consuming or cookie-cutter.

It is a clear roadmap for tapping into your greatest potential in every aspect of life faster, more sustainably and without losing yourself, your values, your health, your relationships, or your joy.

It is about empowering you to see you have everything you need already within you to thrive personally, professionally, financially, and spiritually.

How It Works

The Science Behind the System

Who is the Stress-Proof Success Program for?

Anyone ready to make their value-aligned dreams (professional, financial, health, personal...) a reality faster, sustainably, and with less struggle - even if you feel stuck in Fight or Flight and even if traditional methods haven't worked.


Entrepreneurs | Healers | Spiritual LeadersCreatives & Artists | Burnout | Chronic Illness & Autoimmunity | Health, Wellness & Fitness Professionals | Trauma | Coaches | Neurodivergency, ADHD, HSP | Athletes |

Who is your coach?

Sarah Morrison DPT, NLP, NST, CNSC, CBI

15+ Years of Integrative Coaching & Consulting Experience (Health, Trauma, Sports, Burnout)

- Certified Trauma-Trained Integrative Somatic Coach

- Certified Nervous System Coach (as featured in Forbes, Well+Good, BBC, SHAPE Top Recovery Innovation of 2023)

- Certified NeuroSHINE Technology Coach

- Certified Neurolinguistic Programming Coach

- Certified Breathwork Instructor

- Certified Integrative Neurological Dry Needling for Pain & Stress

- Rapid Nervous System Stress Reset Creator

- Flow State Performance Consultant

- Integrative Health & Wellbeing Trained

- Doctor of Physical Therapy

- B.A. Exercise Science & Biomedical Psychology

- PTSD, TBI, Chronic Concussion in Military and Sport Trained

- Embodied Recovery for Eating Disorders Trained

- Energy Work Trained

- Embodying Embryological and Neural Pathways for Calm & Clarity


International Coaching Federation (ICF) ACC Certification (April 2024)  |  80 hours of ICF Accredited Training  |  200+ hours ICF Approved Coaching Experience  10 hours ICF Mentor Coaching  |  ICF Accredited Performance Evaluation Achieved.

Dr. Sarah Morrison. The Somatic Coaching Revolution. More than a mindset coach. Mindset Coaching Denver.
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The Somatic Success Curriculum

- A carefully curated, "biggest bang for your buck" 8 week curriculum designed to provide the structure and challenge you need for success with the safety, support, and autonomy you need for growth, engagement, and even fun! 

- New self-development tools and new rapid somatic stress release strategies each week.

- Time management and calendar organization that optimize free time, flow, recovery, and performance.

- Adjustments built in for neurodivergency, ADHD, chronic illness/pain, PTSD... 

The Somatic Coaching Revolution logo. More than a mindset coach. Mindset Coaching Denver. Somatic Therapy.

1. Breaking the Mindset Mold, Nervous System Foundations, Reclaiming Your Power 

See the Revolutionary Roadmap. How to harness Flow, The 6 Nervous System States, and 5 Pillars of Success. Why Mindset doesn't work. Somatics 101. Formula for Change. Equation for having it all. Detether from tech. 2 minutes to calm.

rainbow person leaves. somatic therapy. mindset coaching denver. queer owned. woman owned. gay friendly.

2. Creating Time Freedom, Energy Preservation,

Badass Goal Setting

Value Clarification & Your Massively Transformative Purpose. How to reach your greatest goals step by step while minimizing the struggle. Calendar Optimization & Time Liberation. From ADHD to Superhero, HSP to Super-Feeler. The 2 Minute Sanity Preservation Bubble.  

rainbow tree in brain. more than mindset coach. mindset coaching denver. business coach.

3. Building Grit,

Dopamine Detoxing,

Mind-Body Flow

Dopamine Detox 101. Setting badass boundaries. 3 Pillars of avoiding Stuckness. Expand your window of tolerance. Effects & release of stored stress, trauma, pain. 2 Minute Mind-Body Connection.

Rainbow tree brain. Somatic Therapy. Mindset Coaching Denver. queer owned. woman owned.

4. Stress Immunity,

Busting Imposter Syndrome,

Self-Compassion Superpower

Your brain & nervous system on stress and how to build rebellious resiliency bottom-up, top-down, inside-out. How to catapult from Underperforming Busy-ness to Entrepreneurial Olympian & Creative Visionary. Sleep Superhero & 2 Minute Frustration Release.

person with leaves on brain. mindset coach. mindset coaching denver. somatic therapy. women owned.

5. The Phenomenon of Flow,

Hacking Struggle & Release,

Be a Recovery Rebel

Deep dive into the 4 stages of the Flow Cycle and how to integrate somatics for unbeatable success. How the most accomplished people in the world rebelliously recover. Reclaim agency over struggle. Top science-backed recovery & flow triggers. 8 Senses & making mindfulness tangible. 2 Minutes to manifest your goals.

person with leaves in heart. mindset coach. mindset coaching denver. somatic therapy. women owned

6. Redefining Productivity,

Physics for Freedom,

Biohacking Myths

The Equation for How to Get It Done. The Magic of the One Day Month. When to work instead of how much you work. Money Mindset. Embrace Wellbeing not superficial wellness for sustainable success. The physics of how and why to work less and connect more. 2 Minutes to tap into your potential.

the somatic coaching revolution logo. somatic therapy. business coaching denver. mindset coaching denver.

7. Revolutionary Mindset,

Radical Embodiment,

Stopping Self-Sabotage

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset and how to actually get there. Realign values and goals. Create a feedforward success loop. Stop underestimating your strengths. Create limitless motivation. Make work into play. 2 minutes to turn Stuck into Flow.

rainbow two people leaves roots. women owned. queer owned business. mindset coaching denver.

8. Revolutionary Lifestyle,

Sales Superhero,

Anti-Fragility & Post-Traumatic Growth

Tap into your Sacred Rebellion. Making the Flow Cycle & Nervous System Resiliency your lifestyle. From Trauma & Burnout to Resiliency & Adaptability to Anti-Fragility & Post-Traumatic Growth. The science of value-aligned sales. 2 Minutes to harness your greatest motivation and power.

Everything included in this awesome system is worth over $3,200. But with the support of my new non-profit, I am stoked to be able to offer a limited number of awesome people...

A killer 80% Off! 

I know this promotional offer will not last long, and spots are already 50% full, so I would recommend you grab this deal now! And remember, 100% of your investment goes to charity and is tax deductible!


As a reminder of just some of the things you get:


- 8 weekly 90 minute expert trauma-informed coaching sessions laser focused on empowering you with the step-by-step system for success in every aspect of life.

- New Somatic exercises and breathwork each week focused on rapidly overcoming different stressors, regulating your nervous system, and sustainably rewiring limits. Proven to relieve 95% of real-time stress in 3 minutes or less!

- Step by step guide to The One Day Month - using the Flow Cycle and self-regulation to get the work of an entire month done in a single day.

- A new self-development assessment and approachable homework each week to get you crystal clear on your values, motivations, priorities, work and communication styles, and more.

- Step by step guide to easily accessing daily Flow State for 10-20x more resiliency, 6x more creativity, 5x more productivity and learning, 4x more free time, and amplified healing, focus, wellbeing, and happiness. 

- How to optimize your calendar like the most successful (personally and professionally) people in the world so can have the flexibility, focus, and peace of mind you need for both performance ad healing.

- Simple adjustments for anyone with ADHD, trauma history, high sensitivity (HSP's), or health issues that help you turn your limits into superpowers.

- Lifetime access to session recordings and learning material.

- Exclusive access to discounts from myself and other healing/performance experts as well as a community of like-minded badass humans for ongoing support, accountability, and fun.

rainbow pride heart with person. gay friendly. trans friendly. queer friendly. business coaching.

Dr. Sarah & The Revolution are dedicated to providing an accepting, empowering, and safe space for growth and success for everyone. All genders, orientations, backgrounds, cultures, races, ethnicities, sizes, spiritualities, and experiences are welcome and celebrated here. Greatness springs from diversity.

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